二)CIM是一种机制,用于为受管资源建模并以受管对象格式(Managed Object Format (MOF))表现这些模型。使用 CIM 和 MOF,组成受管资源或资源网络的组件可以象在面向对象设计过程中使用的组件一样被建模和看待。
A core model—incorporates classes applicable to all management domains.
Common models—incorporate classes common to specific management domains, independent of particular technologies or implementations. Common domains include systems, applications, devices, users, and networks. These models provide a basis for the development of management applications and include a set of base classes for extension into technology-specific areas.
Extension models—these represent technology-specific extensions of the common models. These models are specific to environments, such as operating systems (for example, UNIX, or Microsoft Windows).
A rich and consistent model of Windows 98 and Windows 2000 operation, configuration, and status. 是一个模型
A COM API that supplies a single point of access to all management information. 可COM访问
Interoperability with other Windows 2000 management services, which will simplify vendors' efforts to create well-integrated management applications. 可协作
A flexible architecture that allows vendors to extend the information model to cover new devices, applications, and other enhancements by writing code modules (WMI providers). 可扩展
A powerful event architecture that allows changes in management information to be identified, aggregated, compared to and associated with other management information, and forwarded to local or remote management applications. 有事件机制
A rich query language(WQL) that enables detailed queries of the information model. 可查询
A scriptable API, which enables management application developers to use Visual Basic? or Windows Script Host (WSH). 可脚本访问
WMI类又可称为主类(master class),由基类(basic class)和amendment(修正,纠正之意,用于本地化,难以揣摩合适的译文^_^)类组成。主类包含所有的属性集和限定(qualifiers)。基类是主类的子集,包含所有的属性集和部分限定,不包含本地限定(localizable qualifiers)。amendment和主类具有相同的名字,是一个抽象类,包含了关于本地限定的属性子集(includes a subset of properties with localizable qualifiers),不包含主类的其他属性。
WMI允许存在多重命名空间,每个命名空间中包含的类属于一个或多个用户模式生产者。生产者使用平台SDK中公开的COM接口来注册Windows管理服务(Windows Management Service)。操作系统(包括所有设备驱动程序)支持一个名为root\cimv2的命名空间,里面包含了CIM版本2。
四)WDM驱动程序可以作为WMI类实例的生产者。一个描述了驱动程序支持的各种类(驱动程序可以为这些类提供数据)的脚本称为驱动程序规划(schema)。我们可以使用MOF(Managed Object Format)语言定义规划。系统则维护一个称为储存库(repository)的数据字典,它包含了所有已知的规划定义。如果驱动程序做得正确,系统将在初始化驱动程序时自动把规划放到储存库中。
为了查看命名空间,可到微软站点下载安装WMITools软件。WMI CIM Studio以树视图的形式展现了分层的命名空间。