Public Function ChangeCsvSplitLine(ByVal strLine As String, ByVal iColNumber As Integer) As String()
Dim strList() As String = strLine.Split(",")
If strList.Length = iColNumber Then
Return strList
End If
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim findSplitIndex As Integer = -1
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim returnList(iColNumber) As String
Dim strMerger As String = ""
For i = 0 To strList.Length - 1
If findSplitIndex = -1 Then
If (strList(i)(0) = """" And strList(i)(strList(i).Length - 1) <> """") _
Or (strList(i).Length = 1 And strList(i) = """") Then
findSplitIndex = i
returnList(index) = strList(i)
index = index + 1
End If
If (strList(i)(0) <> """" And strList(i)(strList(i).Length - 1) = """") _
Or (strList(i).Length = 1 And strList(i) = """") Then
strMerger = ""
For findSplitIndex = findSplitIndex To i
strMerger = strMerger & strList(findSplitIndex) & ","
strMerger = strMerger.Substring(0, strMerger.Length - 1)
returnList(index) = strMerger
index = index + 1
findSplitIndex = -1
End If
End If
Return returnList
End Function