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     uparrow.png资源名称为uparrow   ,滚动条的上箭头

     ThumbBottom.png资源名称为ThumbBottom  ,滚动条中间滑道的背景

    ThumbMiddle.png资源名称为ThumbMiddle  ,滚动条的中间的拖动块

    downarrow.png资源名称为downarrow   ,滚动条的下箭头


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Winamp
    public partial class CustomScrollbar : UserControl

        protected Color moChannelColor = Color.Empty;
        protected Image moUpArrowImage = null;//上箭头
        //protected Image moUpArrowImage_Over = null;
        //protected Image moUpArrowImage_Down = null;
        protected Image moDownArrowImage = null;//下箭头
        //protected Image moDownArrowImage_Over = null;
        //protected Image moDownArrowImage_Down = null;
        protected Image moThumbArrowImage = null;

        protected Image moThumbTopImage = null;
        protected Image moThumbTopSpanImage = null;
        protected Image moThumbBottomImage = null;
        protected Image moThumbBottomSpanImage = null;
        protected Image moThumbMiddleImage = null;

        protected int moLargeChange = 10;
        protected int moSmallChange = 1;
        protected int moMinimum = 0;
        protected int moMaximum = 100;
        protected int moValue = 0;
        private int nClickPoint;

        protected int moThumbTop = 0;

        protected bool moAutoSize = false;

        private bool moThumbDown = false;
        private bool moThumbDragging = false;

        public new event EventHandler Scroll = null;
        public event EventHandler ValueChanged = null;

        private int GetThumbHeight()
            int nTrackHeight = (this.Height - (UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height));
            float fThumbHeight = ((float)LargeChange / (float)Maximum) * nTrackHeight;
            int nThumbHeight = (int)fThumbHeight;

            if (nThumbHeight > nTrackHeight)
                nThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                fThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
            if (nThumbHeight < 56)
                nThumbHeight = 56;
                fThumbHeight = 56;

            return nThumbHeight;

        public CustomScrollbar()

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

            moChannelColor = Color.FromArgb(51, 166, 3);
            UpArrowImage = BASSSkin.uparrow;//上箭头
            DownArrowImage = BASSSkin.downarrow;//下肩头

            ThumbBottomImage = BASSSkin.ThumbBottom;

            ThumbMiddleImage = BASSSkin.ThumbMiddle;

            this.Width = UpArrowImage.Width;//18px
            base.MinimumSize = new Size(UpArrowImage.Width, UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height + GetThumbHeight());

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("LargeChange")]
        public int LargeChange
            get { return moLargeChange; }
                moLargeChange = value;

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("SmallChange")]
        public int SmallChange
            get { return moSmallChange; }
                moSmallChange = value;

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Minimum")]
        public int Minimum
            get { return moMinimum; }
                moMinimum = value;

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Maximum")]
        public int Maximum
            get { return moMaximum; }
                moMaximum = value;

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior"), Description("Value")]
        public int Value
            get { return moValue; }
                moValue = value;

                int nTrackHeight = (this.Height - (UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height));
                float fThumbHeight = ((float)LargeChange / (float)Maximum) * nTrackHeight;
                int nThumbHeight = (int)fThumbHeight;

                if (nThumbHeight > nTrackHeight)
                    nThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                    fThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                if (nThumbHeight < 56)
                    nThumbHeight = 56;
                    fThumbHeight = 56;

                //figure out value
                int nPixelRange = nTrackHeight - nThumbHeight;
                int nRealRange = (Maximum - Minimum) - LargeChange;
                float fPerc = 0.0f;
                if (nRealRange != 0)
                    fPerc = (float)moValue / (float)nRealRange;


                float fTop = fPerc * nPixelRange;
                moThumbTop = (int)fTop;


        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Skin"), Description("Channel Color")]
        public Color ChannelColor
            get { return moChannelColor; }
            set { moChannelColor = value; }

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Skin"), Description("Up Arrow Graphic")]
        public Image UpArrowImage
            get { return moUpArrowImage; }
            set { moUpArrowImage = value; }

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Skin"), Description("Up Arrow Graphic")]
        public Image DownArrowImage
            get { return moDownArrowImage; }
            set { moDownArrowImage = value; }

        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Skin"), Description("Up Arrow Graphic")]
        public Image ThumbBottomImage
            get { return moThumbBottomImage; }
            set { moThumbBottomImage = value; }


        [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), Browsable(true), DefaultValue(false), Category("Skin"), Description("Up Arrow Graphic")]
        public Image ThumbMiddleImage
            get { return moThumbMiddleImage; }
            set { moThumbMiddleImage = value; }

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            e.Graphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

            if (UpArrowImage != null)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(UpArrowImage, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(this.Width, UpArrowImage.Height)));

            Brush oBrush = new SolidBrush(moChannelColor);
            Brush oWhiteBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
            //          函数名: rectangle
            //功 能: 画一个矩形
            //用 法: void far rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);

            //draw channel left and right border colors
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oWhiteBrush, new Rectangle(0, UpArrowImage.Height, 1, (this.Height - DownArrowImage.Height)));
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oWhiteBrush, new Rectangle(this.Width - 1, UpArrowImage.Height, 1, (this.Height - DownArrowImage.Height)));

            //draw channel
            //e.Graphics.FillRectangle(oBrush, new Rectangle(1, UpArrowImage.Height, this.Width-2, (this.Height-DownArrowImage.Height)));
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbBottomImage, new Rectangle(0, UpArrowImage.Height, this.Width, (this.Height - DownArrowImage.Height)));
            //draw thumb
            int nTrackHeight = (this.Height - (UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height));
            float fThumbHeight = ((float)LargeChange / (float)Maximum) * nTrackHeight;
            int nThumbHeight = (int)fThumbHeight;

            if (nThumbHeight > nTrackHeight)
                nThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                fThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
            if (nThumbHeight < 56)
                nThumbHeight = 56;
                fThumbHeight = 56;


            //float fSpanHeight = (fThumbHeight - (ThumbMiddleImage.Height + ThumbTopImage.Height + ThumbBottomImage.Height)) / 2.0f;
            //int nSpanHeight = (int)fSpanHeight;

            int nTop = moThumbTop;//0
            nTop += UpArrowImage.Height;//9px

            //draw top画上面的按钮
            //e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbTopImage, new Rectangle(0, nTop, this.Width, ThumbTopImage.Height));

            //nTop += ThumbTopImage.Height;//10px
            //draw top span
            //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(1, nTop, this.Width - 2, nSpanHeight);

            //e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbTopSpanImage, 1.0f,(float)nTop, (float)this.Width-2.0f, (float) fSpanHeight*2);

            // nTop += nSpanHeight;//11px
            //draw middle
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbMiddleImage, new Rectangle(0, nTop, this.Width, ThumbMiddleImage.Height));

            //nTop += ThumbMiddleImage.Height;
            //draw top span
            //rect = new Rectangle(1, nTop, this.Width - 2, nSpanHeight*2);
            //e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbBottomSpanImage, rect);

            //nTop += nSpanHeight;
            //draw bottom
            //e.Graphics.DrawImage(ThumbBottomImage, new Rectangle(1, nTop, this.Width - 2, nSpanHeight));

            if (DownArrowImage != null)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(DownArrowImage, new Rectangle(new Point(0, (this.Height - DownArrowImage.Height)), new Size(this.Width, DownArrowImage.Height)));


        public override bool AutoSize
                return base.AutoSize;
                base.AutoSize = value;
                if (base.AutoSize)
                    this.Width = moUpArrowImage.Width;

        private void InitializeComponent()
            // CustomScrollbar
            this.Name = "CustomScrollbar";
            this.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CustomScrollbar_MouseDown);
            this.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CustomScrollbar_MouseMove);
            this.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.CustomScrollbar_MouseUp);


        private void CustomScrollbar_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point ptPoint = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
            int nTrackHeight = (this.Height - (UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height));
            float fThumbHeight = ((float)LargeChange / (float)Maximum) * nTrackHeight;
            int nThumbHeight = (int)fThumbHeight;

            if (nThumbHeight > nTrackHeight)
                nThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                fThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
            if (nThumbHeight < 56)
                nThumbHeight = 56;
                fThumbHeight = 56;

            int nTop = moThumbTop;
            nTop += UpArrowImage.Height;

            Rectangle thumbrect = new Rectangle(new Point(1, nTop), new Size(ThumbMiddleImage.Width, nThumbHeight));
            if (thumbrect.Contains(ptPoint))

                //hit the thumb
                nClickPoint = (ptPoint.Y - nTop);
                //MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString((ptPoint.Y - nTop)));
                this.moThumbDown = true;

            Rectangle uparrowrect = new Rectangle(new Point(1, 0), new Size(UpArrowImage.Width, UpArrowImage.Height));
            if (uparrowrect.Contains(ptPoint))

                int nRealRange = (Maximum - Minimum) - LargeChange;
                int nPixelRange = (nTrackHeight - nThumbHeight);
                if (nRealRange > 0)
                    if (nPixelRange > 0)
                        if ((moThumbTop - SmallChange) < 0)
                            moThumbTop = 0;
                            moThumbTop -= SmallChange;

                        //figure out value
                        float fPerc = (float)moThumbTop / (float)nPixelRange;
                        float fValue = fPerc * (Maximum - LargeChange);

                        moValue = (int)fValue;

                        if (ValueChanged != null)
                            ValueChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                        if (Scroll != null)
                            Scroll(this, new EventArgs());


            Rectangle downarrowrect = new Rectangle(new Point(1, UpArrowImage.Height + nTrackHeight), new Size(UpArrowImage.Width, UpArrowImage.Height));
            if (downarrowrect.Contains(ptPoint))
                int nRealRange = (Maximum - Minimum) - LargeChange;
                int nPixelRange = (nTrackHeight - nThumbHeight);
                if (nRealRange > 0)
                    if (nPixelRange > 0)
                        if ((moThumbTop + SmallChange) > nPixelRange)
                            moThumbTop = nPixelRange;
                            moThumbTop += SmallChange;

                        //figure out value
                        float fPerc = (float)moThumbTop / (float)nPixelRange;
                        float fValue = fPerc * (Maximum - LargeChange);

                        moValue = (int)fValue;

                        if (ValueChanged != null)
                            ValueChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                        if (Scroll != null)
                            Scroll(this, new EventArgs());


        private void CustomScrollbar_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            this.moThumbDown = false;
            this.moThumbDragging = false;

        private void MoveThumb(int y)
            int nRealRange = Maximum - Minimum;
            int nTrackHeight = (this.Height - (UpArrowImage.Height + DownArrowImage.Height));
            float fThumbHeight = ((float)LargeChange / (float)Maximum) * nTrackHeight;
            int nThumbHeight = (int)fThumbHeight;

            if (nThumbHeight > nTrackHeight)
                nThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
                fThumbHeight = nTrackHeight;
            if (nThumbHeight < 56)
                nThumbHeight = 56;
                fThumbHeight = 56;

            int nSpot = nClickPoint;

            int nPixelRange = (nTrackHeight - nThumbHeight);
            if (moThumbDown && nRealRange > 0)
                if (nPixelRange > 0)
                    int nNewThumbTop = y - (UpArrowImage.Height + nSpot);

                    if (nNewThumbTop < 0)
                        moThumbTop = nNewThumbTop = 0;
                    else if (nNewThumbTop > nPixelRange)
                        moThumbTop = nNewThumbTop = nPixelRange;
                        moThumbTop = y - (UpArrowImage.Height + nSpot);

                    //figure out value
                    float fPerc = (float)moThumbTop / (float)nPixelRange;
                    float fValue = fPerc * (Maximum - LargeChange);
                    moValue = (int)fValue;



        private void CustomScrollbar_MouseMove(object sender,

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