#ifndef _DELIMFILE_H_
#define _DELIMFILE_H_
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
//说明: 出错信息常量清单,你可以自由转换为你所需要的语言.
const std::string err_row_smaller_than_2 = "total row count is smaller than two\n";
const std::string err_col_smaller_than_2 = "total col count is smaller than two\n";
const std::string err_col_initial_already = "cols have been initialized already\n";
const std::string err_first_row_equal_second_row = "first row no. equal second row no.\n";
const std::string err_first_col_equal_second_col = "first col no. equal second col no.\n";
const std::string err_col_out_of_range = "col no. out of range\n";
const std::string err_row_out_of_range = "row no. out of range\n";
const std::string err_cell_out_of_range = "cell coordinate out of range\n";
const std::string err_row_size_too_large = "row size is larger than total cols\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_initial_col_headers = "fail to initialize col headers\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_write_file = "fail to write to file\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_open_file = "fail to open file\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_clear = "fail to clear file content\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_append_row = "fail to append row\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_insert_row = "fail to insert row\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_update_row = "fail to update row\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_delete_row = "fail to delete row\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_read_row = "fail to read row\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_append_col = "fail to append col\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_insert_col = "fail to insert col\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_update_col = "fail to update col\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_delete_col = "fail to delete col\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_sort_col = "fail to sort col\n";
const std::string err_fail_to_update_cell = "fail to update cell\n";
//用途: 每行字符串缓冲区大小,你可以根据需要,自由设定.
const int ROW_BUF_SIZE = 3000;
class Delimfile
//file_name: 意欲操作的文件名,存在即打开,不存在即创建.
//separator: 文件中每个cell的定界符,比如若干空格" "或一个分号";"(考虑"人类"可读性).
//backup : 打开文件时是否需要做备份.是,则备份文件名为file_name + ".bak".
Delimfile(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& separator, bool backup = true);
//作用 : 初始化列标题.标题栏和普通row并无区别,行号为1的row,就是标题栏.
//value: 将作为标题栏的一组列名.注意,这个方法并不限制列标题名字唯一.
bool initial_col_headers(const std::vector<std::string>& value);
//作用 : 插入一行.
//value: 欲插入行的值,所有对行进行写操作的方法,都会判断value里的数目是否
// 恰好和列数相等,否则不准进行写操作.此举为了保证所有数据呈矩形.
//row : 行号.在这一行之前插入.
bool insert_row(const std::vector<std::string>& value, int row);
//作用 : 更新一行.
//value: 将用此值去更新目标行.
//row : 行号.此行将被更新.
bool update_row(const std::vector<std::string>& value, int row);
//作用: 删除一行.
//row : 行号.此行将被删除.
bool delete_row(int row);
//作用 : 读取一行.
//value: 读取值存放于此.
//row : 行号.此行将被读取.
bool read_row(std::vector<std::string>& value, int row);
//作用 : 在末尾附加一行.
//value: 欲被附加的行的值.
bool append_row(const std::vector<std::string>& value);
//作用 : 更新符合条件的行.
//value : 欲以此值进行更新.
//col : 列号.将对该列进行条件判断.
//condition : 条件.
//only_first: 默认为false,更新符合条件的所有行,否则,只更新符合条件的第一行.
bool update_rows(const std::vector<std::string>& value, int col, std::string condition, bool only_first = false);
//作用 : 更新符合条件的行.
//value : 欲以此值进行更新.
//col : 列名.将对该列进行条件判断.注意,并没有限定列名不允许重复