#include <vector> #include <string> #include <iostream> //#include <cstdlib> using namespace std;
int main() { int elem_vals[18]={1,2,3,3,4,7,2,5,12,3,6,10,4,9,16,5,12,22}; vector<int> fibonacci(elem_vals,elem_vals+3); vector<int> lucas(elem_vals+3,elem_vals+6); vector<int> pell(elem_vals+6,elem_vals+9); vector<int> trigangular(elem_vals+9,elem_vals+12); vector<int> square(elem_vals+12,elem_vals+15); vector<int> pentagonal(elem_vals+15,elem_vals+18); vector<int> *seq_addr[6]={&fibonacci,&lucas,&pell,&trigangular,&square,&pentagonal}; srand(6); int seq_index=rand()%6; vector<int> *curvector=seq_addr[seq_index]; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void display( vector<int>); void swap( int&, int& ); void bubble_sort( vector<int>&,ofstream*);
int main() { int ia[8]={8,34,3,13,1,21,5,2}; vector<int> vec(ia,ia+8 ); ofstream ofil(\"data.txt\"); cout<<\"vector before sort:\\t\"; display( vec );
cout<<\" vector after sorted:\\t\"; bubble_sort( vec ,&ofil); display( vec ); getch(); return 0; }
void display( vector<int> vec ) { for (int ix=0;ix<vec.size();++ix ) cout<<vec[ix]<<’ ’; cout<<endl; }
void swap( int &val1, int &val2 ) { int temp; temp = val1; val1 = val2; val2 = temp; }
void bubble_sort( vector<int> &vec,ofstream *ofil=0) { for (int ix=0;ix<vec.size();++ix) for (int jx=ix+1;jx<vec.size();++jx) if (vec[ix] > vec[jx]) { *ofil<<\"about to call swap ix=\"<<ix<<\"jx=\"<<jx<<\"\\tswapping\" [Page] <<vec[ix]<<\"with\"<<vec[jx]<<endl; swap( vec[ix], vec[jx]); } }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std;
void display( vector<int> vec ) { for (int ix=0;ix<vec.size();++ix ) cout<<vec[ix]<<’ ’; cout<<endl; }
void swap( int &val1, int &val2 ) { int temp; temp = val1; val1 = val2; val2 = temp; }
void bubble_sort( vector<int> &vec,ostream &ofil=cout) { for (int ix=0;ix<vec.size();++ix) for (int jx=ix+1;jx<vec.size();++jx) if (vec[ix] > vec[jx]) { ofil<<\"about to call swap ix=\"<<ix<<\"jx=\"<<jx<<\"\\tswapping\" <<vec[ix]<<\"with\"<<vec[jx]<<endl; swap( vec[ix], vec[jx]); } }
int main() { int ia[8]={8,34,3,13,1,21,5,2}; vector<int> vec(ia,ia+8 ); ofstream ofil(\"data.txt\"); cout<<\"vector before sort:\\t\"; display( vec );
cout<<\" vector after sorted:\\t\"; // bubble_sort( vec ); //使用默认值