
Tiny Core Linux 2.11 发布

  Tiny Core Linux是一份很小(10 MB)的最低限度Linux桌面。它基于Linux 2.6内核、Busybox、Tiny X、FLTK图形用户界面、JWM窗口管理器,全部运行在内存中。它并非一份完整的桌面,也不完整支持所有的硬件;它只代表能引导进入一份最小X窗口桌面 所需的核心内容,典型情况下可包含对有线网络的访问。这份最小桌面可以通过从在线软件仓库安装额外应用软件来进行扩展。

  Changes: Adoption of the freedesktop.org standard. This implementation provides better support for modern desktop environments while still supporting legacy window managers. Also new is... Universal OnDemand for both DEs and legacy WMs, thus providing users with more options for even faster booting and efficient use of memory

下载 地址: Linux/distr/tinycorelinux/2.x/release/tinycore_2.11.iso">tinycore_2.11.iso (10.1MB, MD5).

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