具体建造者(Concrete Builder)角色:担任这个角色的是于应用程序紧密相关的类,它们在应用程序调用下创建产品实例。这个角色主要完成的任务包括:实现Builder角色提供的接口,一步一步完成创建产品实例的过程;在建造过程完成后,提供产品的实例。
以以.NET Framework 2.0 System.Text. StringBuilder为例
System.Text. StringBuilder
public sealed class StringBuilder : ISerializable
internal IntPtr m_currentThread = Thread.InternalGetCurrentThread();
internal int m_MaxCapacity = 0;
internal volatile String m_StringValue = null;
public StringBuilder() : this(DefaultCapacity)
public StringBuilder Append(String value)
//If the value being added is null, eat the null
//and return.
if (value == null)
return this;
IntPtr tid;
// hand inlining of GetThreadSafeString
String currentString = m_StringValue;
tid = Thread.InternalGetCurrentThread();
if (m_currentThread != tid)
currentString = String.GetStringForStringBuilder(currentString, currentString.Capacity);
int currentLength = currentString.Length;
int requiredLength = currentLength + value.Length;
if (NeedsAllocation(currentString, requiredLength))
String newString = GetNewString(currentString, requiredLength);
newString.AppendInPlace(value, currentLength);
ReplaceString(tid, newString);
currentString.AppendInPlace(value, currentLength);
ReplaceString(tid, currentString);
return this;
public StringBuilder Append(int value)
return Append(value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
public override String ToString()
// We assume that their read of m_currentThread will always occur after read of m_StringValue.
// If these reads get re-ordered then it is possible to get a currentString owned by some other
// (mutating) thread and yet think, according to currentThread, that such was not the case.
// This is acheived by marking m_StringValue as volatile.
String currentString = m_StringValue;
IntPtr currentThread = m_currentThread;
// Note calling ToString the second time or from a different thread will cause allocation of a new string.
// If we do not make a copy if currentThread is IntPtr.Zero, we will have following race:
// (1) Thread T1 completes a mutation of the string and will become the owner.
// T1 then starts another mutation operation and
// A thread interleaving happens at this point.
// (2) Thread T2 starts a ToString operation. T2 reads m_StringValue into its local currentString variable.
// A thread interleaving happens at this point.
// (3) Thread T3 finshes a mutation of the string in the StringBuilder , performing the ReplaceString call.
// Thread T3 then starts a ToString operation. Assuming the string is not wasting excessive space,
// T3 will proceeds to call ClearPostNullChar, registers NOBODY as the owner, and returns the string.
// A thread interleaving happens at this point.
// (4) Thread T2 resumes execution. T2 reads m_currentThread and sees that NOBODY is the registered owner
// Assuming its currentString is not wasting excessive space, T2 will return the same string that thread T1 is
// in the middle of mutating.
if (currentThread != Thread.InternalGetCurrentThread())
return String.InternalCopy(currentString);
if ((2 * currentString.Length) < currentString.ArrayLength)
return String.InternalCopy(currentString);
m_currentThread = IntPtr.Zero;
return currentString;
public sealed class String : IComparable, ICloneable, IConvertible, IEnumerable
// Creates a new string with the characters copied in from ptr. If
// ptr is null, a string initialized to ";<;No Object>;"; (i.e.,
// String.NullString) is created.
[CLSCompliant(false), MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
unsafe public extern String(char* value);
[CLSCompliant(false), MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
unsafe public extern String(char* value, int startIndex, int length);
[CLSCompliant(false), MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
unsafe public extern String(sbyte* value);
[CLSCompliant(false), MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
unsafe public extern String(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length);
[CLSCompliant(false), MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
unsafe public extern String(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length, Encoding enc);
// Creates a new string from the characters in a subarray. The new string will
// be created from the characters in value between startIndex and
// startIndex + length - 1.
public extern String(char[] value, int startIndex, int length);
// Creates a new string from the characters in a subarray. The new string will be
// created from the characters in value.
public extern String(char[] value);
internal unsafe void AppendInPlace(String value, int currentLength)
int count = value.Length;
int newLength = currentLength + count;
fixed (char* dest = &this.m_firstChar)
fixed (char* src = &value.m_firstChar)
wstrcpy(dest + currentLength, src, count);
dest[newLength] = '\0';
this.m_stringLength = newLength;
public class Client
public static void Main()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(" World");
String s = sb.ToString();
C#中volatile 关键字指示一个字段可以由多个同时执行的线程修改。声明为 volatile 的字段不受编译器优化(假定由单个线程访问)的限制。这样可以确保该字段在任何时间呈现的都是最新的值。可变关键字仅可应用于类或结构字段。不能将局部变量声明为 volatile。