
做google adsense最佳和最重要的要诀

几点最佳和最重要的Adsense 要诀:

- 较少的内部和外在链接(链接越少,点adsense链接的几率就越大^_^)

- ads的背景颜色和网页背景一样

- 广告标题连接颜色为蓝色(超链接的缺省颜色在HTML)

- 有一个leaderboard 728 x 90 文本广告在上面和一个在网页底端

- 有一个300x250 文本广告在网页的中部某处在文本之中

- 优化页面:一个好标题, 描述, h1 标题和...

- 好的和新的内容



Ttitle:What is your best Adsense tip?

content:I am always asked "what is your best Adsense tip?". Here is my five best and most important Adsense tips:

- Less internal and external links on the page

  - Having the ads with the same background color as the page background

  - Having ad links color blue (the default color of hyperlinks in html)

  - Having one leaderboard 728 x 90 text ad at the top and one at the bottom of the page

  - Having one 300x250 text ad at the middle of the page somewhere among texts

  - Well optimized pages with a good title, description, h1 headline and ... .

  - Good and fresh content.

  Can you add more tips?
