
Use Java to implement the UBB future.

    ----Use Java to implement the UBB future.

[Author] pizer.chen -- iceant -- 陈鹏
[email ] iceant@21cn.com
[icq   ] 77777369

These days,I write some publish system,just like BBS/news etc.
The client asked me ,whether they can insert the image and href url to the plain text when they published them.
so i write this.
I use xml file for dynamic UBB extends.
U can make the UBB rule of yourself.
The only thing that u need to do is modify the UBB.xml config file.

Best Regards

    Resource Link
It is based on xml & RegularExpressions tech.
about xml & regularExpression u can find them here:

about ubb u can find them here:

it used :
    jakarta-regexp-1.2              (download form http://jakarta.apache.org)
    dom4j-0.6(over 0.6 version)     (download form http://sourceforge.net)
    jdk(over 1.2 version)           (download form http://java.sun.com)

it must be stored in CLASSPATH
the regularExpression & replace string map file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <map ubb-code="\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]" map-to="<b>$1</b>"/>         <!--<b>$1</b>-->
    <map ubb-code="\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]" map-to="<i>$1</i>"/>         <!--<i>$1</i>-->
    <map ubb-code="\[h1\](.+?)\[\/h1\]" map-to="<h1>$1</h1>"/>     <!--<h1>$1</h1>-->
    <map ubb-code="\(.+?)\[\/url\]" map-to="<a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>"/>        <!--<a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>-->




* UBB.java
* Created on 2001年9月3日, 下午4:01

package com.wacos.util.ubb;

import org.dom4j.*;
import org.dom4j.io.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.regexp.*;
* @author  Pizer.chen -- iceant -- 陈鹏
* @version 0.1
public class UBB {
    private static final String XML_CONFIG_FILE = "UBB.xml";
    private static org.dom4j.Document doc = null;
    /** Creates new UBB */
    public UBB() {
    public static String parse(String inStr){
            List list = getUBBCodeList();
            String ubbCode="";
            String mapStr="";
            Attribute attribute=null;
            for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                attribute = (Attribute) iter.next();
                ubbCode = attribute.getValue();
                mapStr= getMapValue(ubbCode);
            return inStr;
        }catch(Exception err){
            return err.toString();

     * parse the xml file to Document object
    private static Document xml2Document(){
            InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            Document document = reader.read(is);
            return document;
        }catch(Exception err){
            return null;

     * use xpath to get the map-to value of the ubb-code.
    private static String getMapValue(String ubbCode){
            Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//map[@ubb-code='"+ubbCode+"']");
            return node.valueOf( "@map-to" );
        }catch(Exception err){
            return err.toString();
     * get the <map ubb-code="..." map-to=".."> ubb-code List
    private static List getUBBCodeList(){
            return doc.selectNodes( "//map/@ubb-code" );
        }catch(Exception err){
            return null;
     * get the <map ubb-code="..." map-to=".."> map-to List
    private static List getUBBMapList(){
        try {
            return doc.selectNodes("//map//@map-to");
        catch (Exception e) {
            return null;



package com.wacos.util.ubb;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.regexp.*;

public class REReplace
     * replace the inStr with pattern1 & pattern2
    public static String replace(String pattern1,String pattern2,String inStr){
        try {
            RE re = new RE(pattern1);
            int point=0;
                RE re2 = new RE("\\$([0-9])");
                    point = Integer.parseInt(re2.getParen(1));
                inStr = re.subst(inStr,pattern2);
            return inStr;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return e.toString();


package com.wacos.util.ubb;

public class UBBTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
            String test ="atest

H1 Font

\r\n [url href=http://www.21cn.com]测试hehe..";

        }catch(Exception err){
