


package bbs;

database operation class, test by odbc

This javabean is written by zergling
It is my first javabean :o
version 1.01

import java.sql.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import sun.io.*;

public class odbc
    Connection sqlCon;
    ResultSet rstSql;
    Statement stmS;
    String strCon;
    String strSql;
    boolean status;
    long rowcount;
    int page;
    int pagesize;
    long pagecount;
    long firstrecord;

    //connect to the default database
    public boolean connect()
        this.strCon = "jdbc:odbc:jspbbs";                                                  //replace with your default database
            this.sqlCon = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(this.strCon,"sa","");    //replace with your default database connection configure option
            this.status = true;
            return true;
        catch(Exception e)
            this.status = false;
            return false;

    //connect to the custom database
    public boolean connect(String conName,String username,String password)
        this.strCon = conName;                                                  
            this.sqlCon = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(this.strCon,username,password);    
            this.status = true;
            return true;
        catch(Exception e)
            this.status = false;
            return false;

    //execute sql(insert,update,delete,...)
    public boolean execute(String s)
            this.stmS = this.sqlCon.createStatement();
            this.status = true;
            return true;
        catch(Exception e)
            this.status = false;
            return false;

    //query the data from database
    public boolean query(String s)
            this.rowcount = 0;
            this.stmS = this.sqlCon.createStatement();
            this.rstSql = this.stmS.executeQuery(s);
            while (this.nextrecord())
            this.rstSql = this.stmS.executeQuery(s);
            this.status = true;
            return true;
        catch(Exception e)
            this.status = false;
            return false;
    //return the row count
    public long getrowcount()
        return this.rowcount;

    //return the pagecount
    public long getpagecount()
        return this.pagecount;
    //return the resultset of data
    public String getstring(String s)
            return this.rstSql.getString(s);
        catch(Exception e)
            return "not exists";

    public int getint(String s)
            return Integer.parseInt(this.rstSql.getString(s));
        catch(Exception e)
            return 0;

    //resultset move forward
    public boolean nextrecord()
            return this.rstSql.next();
        catch(Exception e)
            return false;
    //set current page (recall first)
    public boolean setpage(int size,int no)
        this.pagesize = size;
        this.page = no;
        this.pagecount = Math.round((this.rowcount - 1) / this.pagesize)+1;
        this.firstrecord = this.pagesize * ( this.page - 1 );
            for(int i=0;i<this.firstrecord;i++)
                if (!this.nextrecord()) break;
            return true;
        catch(Exception e)
            return false;
    //get string from database and change it into chinese
    public String readChinese(String s)
            String temp = new String(s.getBytes("GB2312"),"8859_1");
            return temp;
        catch(Exception e)
            return s;

    //write string to the database's chinese transform
    public static String writeChinese(String s)
        char[] orig =s.toCharArray();
        byte[] dest =new byte[orig.length];
        for(int i=0;i<orig.length;i++)
        dest[i] =(byte)(orig[i]&0xFF);

            ByteToCharConverter toChar =ByteToCharConverter.getConverter("gb2312");

            return new String(toChar.convertAll(dest));
        catch(Exception e)
            return s;

    //string's search and replace
    public String replace(String con ,String tag,String rep){

        int j=0;

        int i=0;

        int k=0;

        String RETU="";

        String temp =con;

        int tagc =tag.length();



                temp =con.substring(j,i)+rep;

                RETU+= temp;









        RETU +=con.substring(j);

        return RETU;

        public Vector listValue(String con ,String tag){

        int j=0;

        int i=0;

        int k=0;

        Vector vv=new Vector();

        String temp =con;

        int tagc =tag.length();



                temp =con.substring(j,i);











        return vv;


    //filt the html code & sql symbol
    public String htmlencode(String s)
            String temp = this.replace(s,"<","<");
            temp = this.replace(temp,">",">");
            temp = this.replace(temp,"'",""");
            temp = this.replace(temp,"\"",""");
            temp = this.replace(temp," "," ");
            temp = this.replace(temp,"\n","<br>");
            return temp;
        catch(Exception e)
            return s;
    //return the status of last operation
    public boolean getstatus()

        return this.status;
    //close all object
    public boolean close()
            if (this.sqlCon != null) this.sqlCon.close();
            if (this.rstSql != null) this.rstSql.close();
            if (this.stmS != null) this.stmS.close();
            this.status = true;
            return false;
        catch(Exception e)
            this.status = false;
            return true;

