# 1.将一个用户中所有的数据库表的内容到出来:
unload userid/passwd[@connection]
# 2.只导出一个表的内容:
# unload userid/passwd[@connection] table_name
#请各位提示我可能要涉及的数据字典是哪些 :)
sep=',' # --分隔符,可以修改成自己想要的分隔符,如'|'
load_table( ){
rm -f table1.txt
echo " set colsep $sep;
set echo off;
set feedback off;
set heading off;
set pagesize 0;
set linesize 1000;
set numwidth 12;
set termout off;
set trimout on;
set trimspool on;
spool table1.txt;
select table_name from user_tables;
spool off;
" | sqlplus $userid >/dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then
echo sqlplus $userid error in get table name <"$?">!!
echo please check userid and passwd or database.
if [[ -f table1.txt ]]
cat table1.txt | grep -v "^SQL>" | tr -d ' ' >table.txt
rm -f table1.txt
tables=`cat table.txt`
rm table.txt
echo "get table name error"
if [ "X$1" = "X" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 exit echo \c "Userid:" read userid1 echo \c "Passwd:" echo off read passwd userid=$userid1$passwd echo on else userid=$1 fi if [ "X$2" = "X" ]; then load_table; if [[ "X$tables" = "X" ]];then echo "no table in user $userid" exit fi else tables=$2 fi for table in $tables do rm -f wk_$table.txt echo " set colsep $sep; set echo off; set feedback off; set heading off; set pagesize 0; set linesize 1000; set numwidth 12; set termout off; set trimout on; set trimspool on; spool wk_$table.txt; select * from $table; spool off; " | sqlplus $userid >/dev/null if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then echo error:sqlplus $userid error in unload table $table!! echo please check userid and passwd or database. exit fi if [[ -f wk_$table.txt ]] then cat wk_$table.txt | grep -v "^SQL>" >$table.txt sed -e "s/ *$//g" $table.txt >wk_$table.txt mv wk_$table.txt $table.txt if [[ `grep "ORA-" $table.txt` = "" ]]; then echo "unload table $table....\t\t\t\t\t\t ok" else cat $table.txt err="$err $table" fi else echo $0 error fi done if [[ "X$err" = "X" ]];then echo unload complete! else echo "unload table $err error, please check it!" fi