

1. These are the 2 images i will be using for this tutorial.

2. Firstly we open the cat picture. we need to make it so we have both sides symmetrical. if we rotate the cat about -22.4 anti-clockwise

3. with the marquee tool, if we select the left hand side of the cats face, just so we get on the middle of the nose - so there is about an equal amount of 'face' on each side. Then, copy that and paste it onto your persons face.

5. Use your own technique for cutting out the cats face, i used the tutorial from the

6. now duplicate that layer, and flip it horizontal (edit > transform > flip horizontal) and place it to the other side of the cat, so its a full face.

7. merge the layer down, CTRL + E or Layer > Merge Down

8. now place the cat face over the womans face - rotate it if you need to.

9. on the layers menu, click the "add layer mask" button (2nd one from the left)

10. Use a soft brush to cut away the unwanted bits. black "deletes" bits of the image, white "undelets" bits. try to keep in the details such as the nose, eyes and the ears.

For final touches, i added the whiskers back in with a paint brush, made her eyes a brighter yellow, and sharpened her teeth with the extract tool.
