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Unit Name: dbugintf.h
Author:    yuanhen
Email:     [email protected]
            [email protected]
Purpose:   translate Delphi version to C++Builder\'s
Date:      2003/06/05
Time:      20:42:08
    DON\'T ADD this file to your project. Otherwise, this file should be include
    to your project manually
#ifndef DBUGINTF_H
#define DBUGINTF_H

#ifdef LINUX
#include <iostream>
#endif LINUX

#include <vcl.h>
#include <Registry.hpp>

// global variables
AnsiString  MsgPrefix;
const char  chrClearCommand = 3;
bool        PastFailedAttemptToStartDebugWin = false;
const AnsiString Indentation = "    ";

// declaration
void SendBoolean(const AnsiString &Identifier, const bool Value);
void SendDateTime(const AnsiString &Identifier, const TDateTime Value);
void SendDebugEx(const AnsiString &Msg, TMsgDlgType MType);

void SendDebug(const AnsiString &Msg);
void SendDebugClear();
void SendInteger(const AnsiString &Identifier, const int Value);
void SendMethodEnter(const AnsiString &MethodName);
void SendMethodExit(const AnsiString &MethodName);
void SendSeparator();
void SendDebugFmt(const AnsiString &Msg, const TVarRec *Args);
void SendDebugFmtEx(const AnsiString &Msg, const TVarRec *Args, TMsgDlgType MType);
HWND StartDebugWin();

// definition
void SendBoolean(const AnsiString &Identifier, const bool Value)
  // Note: We deliberately leave "True" and "False" as
  // hard-coded string constants, since these are
  // technical terminology which should not be localised.
  if (Value)
    SendDebugEx(Identifier + "= True", mtInformation);
    SendDebugEx(Identifier + "= False", mtInformation);
void SendDateTime(const AnsiString &Identifier, const TDateTime Value)
    SendDebugEx(Identifier + \'=\' + DateTimeToStr(Value), mtInformation);
void SendDebugEx(const AnsiString &Msg, TMsgDlgType MType)
    TCopyDataStruct CDS;
    HWND            DebugWin;
    AnsiString      MessageString;
#ifdef LINUX
const AnsiString MTypeStr[TMsgDlgType] =
    {"Warning: ", "Error: ", "Information: ", "Confirmation: ", "Custom: "};
#endif LINUX
#ifdef LINUX
    std::cout << "GX: " << MTypeStr[MType] << Msg << std::endl;
#endif LINUX
#ifndef LINUX
    DebugWin = FindWindow("TfmDebug", NULL);

    if (DebugWin == 0)
        DebugWin = StartDebugWin();

    if (DebugWin != 0)
        MessageString = MsgPrefix + Msg;
        CDS.cbData    = MessageString.Length() + 4;
        CDS.dwData    = 0;
        AnsiString com;
        if (Msg == chrClearCommand)
            com = chrClearCommand;
            com += AnsiString(MType + 1) + MessageString;
            com += \'\\0\';
            com = \'\\1\';

   com = com + AnsiString(MType + 1) + MessageString;
            com = com + \'\\0\';
        CDS.lpData = com.c_str();

        SendMessage(DebugWin, WM_COPYDATA, WPARAM(Application->Handle), LPARAM(&CDS));
#endif LINUX

void SendDebug(const AnsiString &Msg)
    SendDebugEx(Msg, mtInformation);
void SendDebugClear()
void SendInteger(const AnsiString &Identifier, const int Value)
    SendDebugEx(AnsiString(Identifier + " = " + Value), mtInformation);

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