
银行取款机Cash 系统源程序

   // Cash.java
   // A Miniproject in Bank System
   //import extension packages
   import javax.swing.*;
   public class Cash
   public static void main( String args[] )
   /* Initializer list specifies number of element and
   value for each element */
   int password[] = { 1111,2222,3333,4444,5555,6666 };
   int supe; // int first value
   int cash = 8888; // number of money
   int money = 0; // int third value
   int i = 1; // number of i
   // A do/while loop
   // String a value and read in password from user
   String supesum =
   JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Welcome to use this Cash Systerm!\n"+
   "Now please Enter your password :" );
   // convert numbers from type String to type int
   supe = Integer.parseInt( supesum );
   // A if/else control structer
   if ( supe==password[0]
   || supe==password[1]
   || supe==password[2]
   || supe==password[3]
   || supe==password[4]
   || supe==password[5] )
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You put in the password is Wrong!\n"+
   "Please try again" );
   while( i>0 );
   //show the option table for user to choose
   //set a loop to see whether the choise is 1, 2 or 3
   int choise; // int a vlaue
   while( i==1 )
   // String a value and read in choise from user
   String inputChoise =
   JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "\tEnter your choise :\n" +
   "\t\t 1 Check your Cash-card'cash\n" +
   "\t\t 2 Pick out your cash\n" +
   "\t\t 3 Put in your cash\n" +
   "\t\t 4 EXIT" );
   // convert number from type string to type int
   choise = Integer.parseInt( inputChoise );
   switch( choise )
   case 1 :
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,"Your Cash-Card have got " + cash );
   case 2 :
   // String a value and read in money from user
   String out =
   JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "How much do you want to pick out ?\n"+
   "Please input the cash number in the blank dialog!" );
   money = Integer.parseInt( out );
   cash = cash - money;
   case 3 :
   // String a value and read in money from user
   String in =
   JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "How much do you want to put in ?\n"+
   "Please input the cash number in the blank dialog!" );
   money = Integer.parseInt( in );
   cash = cash + money;
   case 4 :
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Thank you for use this Cash Systerm!" );
   while( choise<1 || choise>4 );
   } //end the loop
   } // end method close
   } // end class Bank